Monday, May 9, 2011

Freshman Prom.....Sigh

So my oldest baby Madison, who is now 14, recently had her Freshman Prom.  The parents put it together and hosted the prom.  We had a BLAST!!  She did the whole hair, makeup and Nail pre-ritual.  I was really honored to be asked to do her makeup.  We rented a limo for a group of 11.  Madison stayed the full 4 hours and danced the night away....she looked absolutely looked GORGEOUS doing it.   They grow up way too FAST......I remeber when I held her in my arms........SIGH.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Gymnastics is our life, my youngest, Makenzie, is a 10 year old level 7.

This is my oldest, Madison, she is a 12 year old level 5.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Darby's Senior pics

Gracie's Bridals

Gracie is my cousin and such a beautiful bride. It rained the morning of the bridals and we were going to do them outside. She handled it well and we still got some amazing shots. Here are some of my favs.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Holly Carter, my new sister-in-law.

This beautiful woman is my sister-in-law Holly. I did her bridal pics and just wanted to share a few of them. These are some of my favorites.